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Hotel Apartment 5
First line from the sea
In the world wealthiest city
Price starts with only 150,246 USD
(inclusive finishing and furniture at 5 star standard) Estimated rental income from 17% p.a. netto
Hotel group management
Only 355,19 USD sqft, 32% discount at upfront payment
Average ready residential property price is around 600 USD sqft. Rental payback is faster then in case of most other apartments
Plus you live 21 days per year in seaside 5 star hotel in wealthy, safe city FOR FREE!
Hurry up to distress sale of liquid assets – only 3 apartments are for sale. Abu Dhabi, the capital of UAE, owns 10% of the world proven oil reserves, and 4% - of the world proven gas reserves. It was named as the wealthiest city of the world by Fortune magazine in 2007. Master-developer of not that big off plan sector was promised to be provided with the state support. Construction of Hydra Avenue is in progress; was even ahead schedule by autumn 2008. Completion in 2012. Rental payback is faster then in case of most other apartments
Other Details: Number of Bedrooms: 1, Number of Bathrooms: 1
This property is located in: AEbu Saby, AUH, Abu Dabi, Abu Dabis, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi emiraat, Abu Zabi, Abu Zaby, Abu Zabye, Abu Zabyo, Abu-Dabi, Abu-Dabio, Abud Dhabi, Ampou Ntampi, Emirato de Abu Dabi, a bu zha bi, abudabi, abwzby (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates).
For more details about this listing please click here to access the webpage provided by listing owner.
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Lingfield Park Marri... Hotel ~ 0,428 km
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Polezny Konsultant (Real Estate Agent) from United Arab Emirates