Brazil Real Estate With Free Legal Assistence Of Imodobrasil. (MD551815)
Important from! Never pay any "deposit fee" or any other "fee" just to view a property! Any owner / agent who asks you to pay anything by Western Union / Money Gram should be immediately reported to us.
BRAZIL REAL ESTATE WITH FREE LEGAL ASSISTENCE OF IMODOBRASIL. IMO DO BRASIL is a network of real estate agents in Brazil which on sale announces buildings on a joint page Internet:
By buying your building with IMO DO BRASIL, you will gain a free legal assistance with a law firm of reputation, specialized in right of the dwelling. This legal assistance will function up to one month after the purchase of the building offering to you the services of our lawyers without fees. Visit our website:
Other Details: Number of Bedrooms: 5, Number of Bathrooms: 5
This property is located in: Angra, Angra dos Reis, Angra-dus-Rejs (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
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Imo Do Brasil (Real Estate Developer) from Brazil
About Imo Do Brasil
IMO DO BRASIL is a assossiation of real-estate agents in all Brazil which announces on a website jointly:
All sales - purchases are supervised by our law firm which give a guarantee to the customer for the purchase of their building.