5Key Ways To Write & Complete your Dissertation In Less Time



            A dissertation is one of the major and compulsory parts of the research project. It can be one of the most complicated pieces of work to do in your life. Many students find writing a dissertation boring and a time-consuming task. It takes several days and sometimes weeks to complete one dissertation, depending upon its length. Students try to find shortcuts and smart ways to complete their dissertation. This essay will explain the key ways to write and complete a dissertation in less time. Here are five different ways of writing and completing your dissertation in a short period.

Don’t get stressed

            While writing your dissertation, which is the most essential part of your final year project at the University, never undervalue the significance of stress management. Taking stress or being under pressure will greatly impact the process of your research, which can ultimately affect your dissertation. People often panic and stress out, which makes their speed slow. For preventing this exponential effect, you should consider taking the following measures, so it does not impact the dissertation.

  • Make sure to take short breaks if you feel exhausted.
  • Always have a water bottle by your side to keep yourself hydrated.
  • Take long breaths in every instance.
  • Speed up the process, but don’t panic.

Manage your time

            Since a dissertation is considered a very time-consuming, lengthy task and tiring task, many students take help from dissertation writing service to complete it in less time. Managing time is one of the most vital things to consider for a Master’s level dissertation (Parija, Joseph and Parija, 2018). You should practice writing a dissertation regularly and try to complete it in a short period. Try to speed up your writing process and reduce the time spent on writing every day. For example, if you completed a thousand-word heading in two hours, try to complete the same length heading in one hour the next day, while maintaining the quality of work. Eventually, this will enhance your time management skills, and you will be able to finish your dissertation in less time.

Never start before researching

            One of the most common mistakes that students do is they never research the topic of their project and start right away. This is one of the reasons why they consume a lot of time writing a dissertation. Starting without research means you do not know what is going on and have no data in mind to put in your dissertation. What will you write in your dissertation when you don’t know what to write? You should always research your topic, brainstorm ideas out of it and accumulate the data collected to write it in the dissertation. Researching will enable you to develop a command of the topic. Once you know what to write, you will be able to write the content in a continuous flow, which will help you finish the dissertation in less time.

Avoid distractions

            Distractions and constant interruptions can put a major impact on your speed of writing and completing the dissertation. Always make sure to research and write your dissertation in a place where there is no one or is a distraction-free place. The room you choose for writing your dissertation should be distraction-free. The door of the room must be closed to prevent the noises from coming in. Close the curtains to prevent yourself from getting distracted from plants and birds outside. Turn off the television and mute your phone notifications, or keep it on the side to avoid constant checking.

Do things smartly

            Doing things smartly can help save a lot of time. To write and complete the dissertation in less time, you must complete the literature review section first. Since you have already researched your topic and gathered the data, it will be easier for you to write it down. Completing this section means you completed a major part of the dissertation. Do the same thing in the result section, where you will just have to write down the findings of your research. The common mistake that students normally do is writing the introduction first. Writing the introduction first will make you discouraged. Therefore, completing the literature review and result section first will help in completing other sections of the dissertation, allowing you to finish the dissertation in lesser time. There is a good deal of literature review writing service that can assist you in writing the literature review of your dissertation.


            Dissertation writing can be one of the most time-consuming and boring tasks for most students. Many students find it a nightmare. However, if you are smart enough, you can complete your dissertation in a very short time. This essay explained the five key ways of smartly writing and completing your dissertation in less time. A smart approach does not mean to copy-paste others’ work into your dissertation to save time. This will result in major plagiarism in your work. Therefore, always make sure there is no plagiarism in your dissertation. You can do so by using an internet-based platform called Turnitin. This will tell you the percentage of the original and copied work separately (HowToWriteADissertation, 2022). Stressing out is also one of the major problems that can cause you to spend a lot of time on your dissertation, make sure to take breaks and keep yourself hydrated to avoid stress. Always research before starting and use smart approaches. Stay away from distractions and above all, always make sure you manage your time properly because time is money and will help you complete the dissertation in less time.


HWD. 2022. How To Write A Dissertation. [online] Available at: <https://www.helpwithdissertation.co.uk/blog/how-to-write-a-dissertation/> [Accessed 17 June 2022]. Parija, S.C., Joseph, N.M. and Parija, M., 2018. Dissertation Writing for Master of Science Course. Thesis Writing

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