*** Indonesia Real Estate, Jawa Timur Real Estate, Malang Real Estate: Houses for Sale A strategic location in Malang, a tourist-destination city only around 4 hours drive from Surabaya (East Java's capital city), Indonesia. - The house is in a well-maintained conditioned, ready to use with furnished interior and two stories floor. - A luxurious swimming pool is available in your backyard, surrounded by lush greeneries. The house has a front and back garden, preserved regularly to keep them in best condition. - There are 5 main bedrooms with 3 inside bathrooms + 2 additional bedrooms & 2 outside bathrooms. The garage can take in 2 cars + 1 in the carport. - Just 5 km from th... *** Price: 20,000,000,000 IDR (~ $ 1,376,349 USD)
*** Indonesia Real Estate, Jawa Timur Real Estate, Malang Real Estate: Villas for Rent Vouchers can be used to stay 7 nights: - Karma Royal Jimbaran, Karma Royal Sanur, Ubud Mayura Karma, Karma Royal Candidasa, Phuket or Chiang Mai Thailand, India, German (please have their own). - Or it could also be used in the Karma Kandara Villa for 3 nights. - Private pool, private beach!! - - Suitable for honeymoon, family vacation or a romantic wedding - - 3-year period expired. *** Price: 1,100 USD
Photo of the Commercial for Sale property in Pasuruan
*** Indonesia Real Estate, Jawa Timur Real Estate, Pasuruan Real Estate: Commercial for Sale Building Material retail/manufacturing business with large 2 storey house+warnet. All have full certification and registration. Ideal family business in country location. 15 minutes off main road Malang/Surabaya - Instant income stream. Just move in and take over. - Phone +6281216398199 (Mike) for information *** Price: 150,000 USD
Photo of the House for Sale property in Surabaya City
*** Indonesia Real Estate, Jawa Timur Real Estate, Surabaya City Real Estate: Houses for Sale I want to sell new house in surabaya city - - detail location in the west rurabaya lidah kulon - - this place is great for investation - - Remarks - Building area: 38 m2 - Land Area: 90 m2 (6m x 15m) - Bedrooms: 2 - Bathrooms: 1 - Orientation: North / South - Other: Kitchen - - Building Specifications: - Aluminum Frame - Granite Floor Tile - Frame Roof Galvalum - - House Facilities: - 1300 Watt Electricity - PDAM - Certificates already splitsing per parcel HGB - - Bonus: - Park Home - Tandon - Water Pump - - Environment Facility: - P... *** Price: 606,000,000 IDR (~ $ 41,703 USD)
*** Indonesia Real Estate, Jawa Timur Real Estate, Batu Real Estate: Villas for Sale Beautiful villa at the foot of a Mountain in Batu/ East Java Indonesia available. - For long term rent or for sale. - Batu is well known for the good temperature and its agriculture. Close to Malang and not too far from Surabaya *** Price: 60,000 EUR (~ $ 68,112 USD)
*** Indonesia Real Estate, Jawa Timur Real Estate, Madiun Real Estate: Houses for Sale Rumah Murah Berkwalitas Baik - Type 52 - Harga Rp. 224.000.000,- - Harga termasuk ppn, pagar depan dan biaya-biaya lain. - Jadi pembeli Hanya tinggal menanggung biaya BPHTB dan Biaya KPR (jika menggunakan Fasilitas KPR) - Pusat Info : 081 335 633 639 - TANPA PERANTARA
Photo of the Cave House for Sale property in Madiun
*** Indonesia Real Estate, Jawa Timur Real Estate, Madiun Real Estate: Cave Houses for Sale Rumah Type 45 Luas Tanah 85 m - *Harga Jual Termasuk SHM, Biaya Balik Nama, IMB, AJB, Pagar Depan dan Samping, Listrik, PAM, Pajak Penjualan, dan PPN - Contack ; - Sugeng S. 081 335 633 639 - Mery 0351-772 6539 *** Price: 197,000,000 IDR (~ $ 13,557 USD)
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