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Photo of the House for Sale property in Savusavu
Map availableThis property has information about its neighborhood

FIJI Beach Houses (MD13602019) - Property in Fiji -

*** Fiji Real Estate, Northern Real Estate, Savusavu Real Estate: Houses for Sale

The answer to the $64,000 question is: “For half that amount how can you buy a home as in our 'Eagle' for just $29,900. on a 3 km beach, part of a 50 acre property ! “It wasn’t easy, yet it was possible and it is true.” - We offer 3 distinct locations for your beach or hillside home - two beach properties of 50 & 25 acres each and 40 acres hillside above the 'Siga Siga Sands Resort' [view their web site to see beautiful photos of the property]. - The Coves BEACH HOUSES & The Views HILLSIDE HOMES, at Savusavu, Fiji in the safe, beautiful, uncrowded South Pacific; IMAGINE acquiring a South...
*** Price: 69,900 USD

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